Easy to play for 5 minutes or an hour. Worth the money
Easy to play for 5 minutes or an hour. Worth the money
I have been looking for a great ios strategy game for years. Not only is this the best strategy/management game available for ios, it may be the best I have played, period. Ever since Romance of the Three Kingdoms II I have been looking for something this good, and Ive found it. Absolutely stellar execution from the development team. Way to go!!!!
Reminds me of Shogun Total War. Just a bit more simple. Very fun and addicting.
Like when hwachas fires at forest or buildings it should start a fire and also you should be able to set formations. Oh and a skirmish mode.
Really great strategy game, kind of like the Romance of the Three Kingdoms but in real time on tactical maps. The strategic grand map is great too and easy to play.
Easy to control, yet offers a deep and full 4X strategy experience. There are few games on iOS that have diplomacy, bribery and espionage but this has it all. The world is open and you choose where to fight and how to expand.
There is so many way to try to won a battle !
If you like risk, aoe, heroes of might and civilisation you will like this one! Intuitive touch for combat and gameplay and good complexe managememt strategy!!
Hard to put down, lots to manage, easy to control, and a treat to open this app everytime
Both the turn based build options and the real time battles work well and allow for an interesting and fun experience.
bugs and crashes were all dealt with... the game runs smoothly now and with the updates every now and then, this game just gets better and better...
Reminds me a lot of original Total War but its been well implemented, time will just slip away. Quality
It is a great game but keeps crashing and exiting after a victory in combat after a while in to the game. Shame!
Made my weekend. Buy if you like total war series on PC
Add Russian please!
Great game!!! But add Russian language and icloud sync!!!
Most textures are white and the game us unplayable. Iphone4.
It feels native on the iPad which is awesome. Gameplay is great, not sacrificed to "freemium" model.
Simply the best rts in AppStore
Сразу отмечу, что игра стоит своих денег точно и разработчики этой игры их заслужили. Ни каких квадратиков! Происходит все в подобии древнего Китая, эпохи воющих провинций. Много разных типов и видов отрядов. Битвы проходят в виде реал тайм стратегии, с управлением до 8 отрядов. Геймплей сделан как в тотал вар. Создана хорошая система менеджмента городов, армий и провинций. Есть агенты, торговля и дипломатия. Действительно большая карта для мобильной игры (3 недели играл!) Отдельно выделю битвы. Атака сделана в три этапа: 1. Сначала выбираете провинцию для вторжения, 2. Войдя в провинцию, появляться много точек нападения, атакуя поочередно вы приближаетесь к крепости и дворцу. 3. САМОЕ ГЛАВНОЕ ВСЕ БИТВЫ ПРОХОДЯТ В РЕЖИМЕ РЕАЛ-ТАЙМ СТРАТЕГИИ С ДОСТОЙНОЙ ГРАФИКОЙ И ТАКТИКОЙ. Отличная игра! Разработчикам спасибо! Жду новшеств и обновлений. This true mobile TOTAL WAR! Just note that the game is definitely worth the money and the developers of this game they deserve. No public squares! Happens all in the likeness of ancient China, the era of howling provinces. Many different types and kinds of units. Battles take place in the form of real time strategy, with control of up to 8 units. Gameplay is made in Total War. Established a good management system of cities, armies and provinces. There are agents, trade and diplomacy. Really great card for a mobile game (3 weeks played!) I would single out the battle. Attack is made in three stages: 1. Please select the province for the invasion, 2. Entering the province, there are many points of attack, alternately attacking you approach the fortress and palace. 3. MOST IMPORTANT THING ALL BATTLES take place in the real-time strategy game with decent graphics and tactics. Great game! Developers thanks! Forward innovations and updates.